What do you think about OS4Coding.net

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admin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago
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What do you think about OS4Coding.net

What do you think about this site? You like the way we made it until now? Is there something that it is not clear/usefull/missing? Would you like to share your opinion/idea? We care to listen what you really think.

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
Well, if admins in interest

Well, if admins in interest to know some opinions, then i think that for developer site no need
RSS Feeds for Aminet/Aos4 depot. Because for first, they all the time everythere, and for second, its not so "coding" related.

Imho it can be removed completely with no problems, or, leave only os4depot + manual updating of only Development subdirecotry. Then it will be more "developer" and "aos4" related.

Also for now "home" looks a bit not so eye-candy. I think it because no topics, but so big news. Maybe make a bit bigger the whole layout ? To make topic posts more "closer" for looks, but not news. Or even remove news about uploading (because they can be in aos4depot/developer recent files at bottom), and post news about articles, etc

Just my 2 cents :)

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
Btw, for debugger section i

Btw, for debugger section i can write an article about "db101", with pictures/examples/etc. Not the big one, but can be interesting. As well as can write an article about "modern-porting". There was some guide from SpotUp, for basic start, i can write a bit "advanced". So we can use it here, and make a news like "os4coding.net have some more article" = some kind of good PR.

EDIT: after some browsing, i think that everything too much "blue". Every item, every highlighing, even when you choice area at top, it also blue. Imho news items can be black. My menu and cofing tools items also can be black. I.e. a bit make it less stressed for eyes.

marko's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
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Well, I think the RSS Feeds

Well, I think the RSS Feeds for OS4Depot should be default over Aminet, this is primary a OS4 site, right? :P


admin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
Thanks for your ideas. I

Thanks for your ideas. I already changed the default tab at the feeds of aminet and OS4Depot. I might remove it later if this is not so useful.

You can add your articles under your blog. You can do this by visiting the blog page and click at the "Create new blog entry." button. Then you will see a form to insert your texts and images. If you feel that you need more fields, or you have any question for the form itself, feel free to do ask in this topic.

The first page will totally change after some time were developers will contribute at their blogs with texts, articles or guides. Then the first page will have the blog titles and not the news. You see, we want to make the visitors know what new information can be found at the site with the first sight.

The blue is the link color, that's why you see it almost everywhere. If it is not easily readable, then we have to consider changing it. Don't forget that the site is still newborn. :)

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
@admin Aha, thanks. Removing

Aha, thanks.

Removing of aminet imho will make sense, and maybe on os4depot handle only "developer" subdirectory, it will be then more like "only developers". Because when on developers site you see that new games, or themes, or icons was uploaded on os4depot, its a bit out of main topic :)

Btw, it is bug or not than answer from admins are not at the end as should be, but right after initial topic ? Looks a bit broken for read

EDIT: and than one looks like too at top.

admin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
Fixed the order of the

Fixed the order of the replies for the forum... It was a stupid selection I forgot to change.
How about the main topics of the forum? What do you think? Did I separate the thematics in a good way? Do you think that should the forum be different? Did I forget something? What is your opinion?

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
@admin Imho for now main

Imho for now main topics looks fine (if something will be wrong, we can found it later, but for begining its imho ok already).

Also maybe we can try to change all that "blue" color on just Black. Its of course can be not so fancy, but will be better for eyes imho. For now its a bit "blure" all the page. With black/white imho all will be fine. Or maybe trying other color ? I mean that "blue" color is nice in general, but its too much everythre for now.

Also as i see on the main page, there is some problems with news. For example on new about amidark, you can see begining of message, which stop on the first letter of the some world ("i"). I.e. looks like:

"It contain these fixes and i" and then nothing. Dunno if it bug which prevent to handle more than some number of symbols, or just some copy+paste related bug ?

In others need to do some normal PR for now : writing articles, start interesting topics, maybe even just re-copy some aos4 based topic from UB for the all the time (that will be good start, and for sure will not make any problems for UB imho). I.e. somehow say to all aos4 coders, that this site is interesting and more friendly than UB.

marko's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
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@admin The topics seems


The topics seems fine to me too, you can change them later if needed. Oh, perhaps add Hollywood and AmiBlitz3 as well. :)


kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
@marko AmiBlitz3 also os4

AmiBlitz3 also os4 native ? (i ask because site trying to be aos4 only related, so if it 68k only, then imho will make a bit step to other direction). Not big deal of course, just notice :)

Looks like also something wrong with counter of messages: on the main page it show for example 9 messages, but in the forum link it show 10 messages. I.e. +1 for the real. Into the subforum all is ok. Only when you press on the forum (where the list of all topic) that +1.

admin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
@kas1e I changed the light

I changed the light blue of the links to a darker blue. I hope you like it better and it helps better at reading.

We would like to thank you all again for your remarks. We are more than grateful. It is time to start use this forum and help each other.

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
@admin Yep, no problems. But

Yep, no problems.

But still there is that problem that on main page, you have 10 messages in topic, but if you press on "forum" button at top, and scroll page down, you will see 11 messages in topic. Imho counter a bit broken at some place ?

Related to color: yep, its a bit more stronger for now, and better to read

ChrisH's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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@admin Please add a PortablE

Please add a PortablE section!

P.S. Maybe you could fix the avatar picture scaling while you are at it...

Author of the PortablE programming language.

I love using Amiga OS4.1 on my X1000 & Sam440 :-D

Hans's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: What do you think about OS4Coding.net

Utilitybase is plagued by malware, and the admin's own lack of time, so I've been hoping for an alternative. This site looks promising. It is going to take time to get people using this site though, as you need a certain number of developers here to make it worth posting.

The layout and colour scheme is rather non-descript/generic. It looks too much like so many of the Wordpress (or similar) based sites. Yes, it's easy to read, but I think that it would be worth giving it a bit more of an Amiga OS 4.x theme to it.

Another item worth having, would be a documentation/tutorial section. Getting content for that might be a bit of a challenge. You could always ask Hyperion for permission to post the autodocs, etc.


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Hans's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: What do you think about OS4Coding.net

One more thing, please don't email unencrypted passwords when people create an account; it defeats their point. There should be no reason to do this at any point in time. A user knows what they entered when they created the account. If they have forgotten their password, then create a new one and email that; then ask them to change it once they log in.


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admin's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
@Hans Thanks for registering

Thanks for registering at OS4coding.net, and for your remarks. You were right for the password at the emails. That's why I removed it right away.

About the articles/tutorials part of the website I had it ready. But then I thought that this is something that too many websites have and users don't use. That's why I thought of giving to the developers their blog pages to write there the tutorials they would like. For example, your tutorials, that you have at your website, about debugging are great. But maybe a few newbies (like me) or experienced developers might miss them, because they do not know your website. The same goes for everyone. Is a little bit difficult to check many websites if there is new content.

That's why we created OS4Coding. You may create your tutorials, articles like blog posts at the same website were anyone is going to do the same. And every developer will have one site to watch.

Also, I'm about to create new features in the website, that now is too early to put them online, because of the lack of content. I also I have a few ideas that I will express here for you all to comment.

Thank you all again for your remarks.

Hans's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
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Re: What do you think about OS4Coding.net


About the articles/tutorials part of the website I had it ready. But then I thought that this is something that too many websites have and users don't use. That's why I thought of giving to the developers their blog pages to write there the tutorials they would like. For example, your tutorials, that you have at your website, about debugging are great. But maybe a few newbies (like me) or experienced developers might miss them, because they do not know your website. The same goes for everyone. Is a little bit difficult to check many websites if there is new content.

I always meant to write more tutorials, but they take time, which is always in short supply. My site has a master RSS feed, and few additional feeds for things like my blog and the Radeon HD development log. Anything Amiga related usually has Amiga in the URL, so that could be used to filter the master feed. Anyway, I see your point regarding new people not knowing where all the tutorials are, and the difficulty of checking websites for updates.

My preference has always been to keep the tutorials on my own site, and have other sites link to it. Otherwise I wouldn't have much to put on my own site. Perhaps a tutorial directory would be an idea, to let developers know where they can find good material. Another idea could be letting users register RSS feeds + filters for content on their own websites. I'm not sure how reliable that would be, but it sounds like it could work.


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djrikki's picture
Last seen: 3 years 6 months ago
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RE: Tutorials Anyone is free

RE: Tutorials

Anyone is free to add new content to the Developers section of:


In regards to the Wiki in general terms, I am getting next to no help (save a couple of individuals who have kindly taken screenshots for me eg. http://wiki.amigaos.net/index.php/Customising_the_Workbench thanks ChrisH (above)) - as soon as I get the X1000 I can actually begin adding new content myself and the website will fast forward. Itching to get my hand on the X1000 - I hope not long now.

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kas1e's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
@admin Imho idea with

Imho idea with Tutorials are nice , for example not all of us want to read blogs (because they not necessary will be as tutorials, for example i thinking about start to write some blog-kind stuff here, but its for sure will be not like tutorials, so i think better to wait for now).

For tutorials and articles, you always clean your mind, write in more informative way, and in more like "article". Not like blog post (for which i for example not so clean my mind). Blog-posts and tutorials imho really different.

All in all there is nothing bad to have one more tutorial/article section, even if it on all the sites, it can be good to have there as well (as i say before, i in interest to write right now 2-3 little article-tutors), and in interest to start some blog-coding posts. Its different really, and can pleasant more aos4 coders later.

Daedalus's picture
Last seen: 6 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-02-01 13:22
@kas1e Quote:AmiBlitz3 also


AmiBlitz3 also os4 native ? (i ask because site trying to be aos4 only related, so if it 68k only, then imho will make a bit step to other direction). Not big deal of course, just notice :)

Well, AmiBlitz3 is 68k/OS3, but it works fine under OS4 - I mostly use AmiBlitz3, but really only use OS4 nowadays, so I think it would be nice to be included. Same goes generally for other non-OS4 topics. For example, if I have a question about MUI or Reaction for my current project, it would be relevant to anyone coding with MUI or Reaction, whether they're using OS4 or not. Also, it is possible to use the OS4 APIs, even if from 68k code. And you can include PPC assembler (but that's waaaaay beyond me! :) )

I like the site, like the idea as well. Utilitybase is a nice resource but doesn't see that much activity. I don't know if there are enough projects yet to make it worthwhile, but maybe in the future have a "Latest project updates" section on the front page, like the news and blogs sections?

Engineers do it with precision.

marko's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:48
@admin Hmmm, it seems that


Hmmm, it seems that some of my posts are not editable, like the posts others have replied to. Not that I am in an urgent need to remove any info, but it can be troublesome with typos and such. Should it be like this, or?

EDIT: Is this a bug or feature? :p


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