By using ObtainDataType() I can easily find the group, basename etc of the datatype of an object, but how do I verify if there is class available to handle it?
For example ObtainDatatype() will return System binary for an executable but if I have no binary.datatype installed I will not be able to open it.
I don't wish to 'test by opening' as some files in the datatset might be large and so take quite a while to process a long list file just to rject the one or two that might not be openable.
I think I found a solution in the following, I pass the dth_BaseName filed to the following.
Is there a better solution?
This solution appears to cause a crash in ascii.datatype (on subsequent usage to create a DTObject) when invoked before any datatype has been accessed, so does amyone have any suggestions as to better more system friendly method?