Of late I have this odd behaviour of GUI's:
- Clicking a gadget will result in an 'empty' message stream. Any gadget, any window, any project. Any of MY current projects. Former projects c.q. older versions just work fine, so *I* do something wrong.
- Clicking 'Close window'-button will close the window just fine and terminate the program gracefully.
- Dropping an icon on a filerequester gadget works as expected (clicking the gadget's button will NOT bring up the requester proper).
Hence the question is 'quite simple': where do all those IDCMP messages go (, provided they are generated)?
Most importantly: "it used to work"...
Any ideas where to look and/or what may cause this behaviour?
P.s.: 'HintInfo' for these gadgets does not work either, although they are provided.
Hi, did you add new gadgets/objects?
Full build of the projects, as sometimes just compiling only changed sources not enough.
For gadgets (unde ReAction), to be "event active", you need these tags:
GA_RelVerify, TRUE,
and on your event function:
For hintInfo, AFAIK just "WINDOW_GadgetHelp,TRUE" and on gadgets you want just add "GA_HintInfo,"bla bla bla","
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P
Things are 'back to normal' since today as I discovered, that the issue was caused by modifying the IDCMP-flags.
Reversed that modification, which I thought were THE solution to 'a rattling IDCMP-port', which it indeed proved to be, but with side effects.
I now have a filter installed, a 'silencer' or 'muffler' if you want, that lets only pass THOSE WMHI actions which I deem relevant to the program.
The IDCMP-port is still rattling as per usual, but it now is no longer a menace.
Thanks, but I do know to some extent how to create a (ReAction-)GUI and handle the messages it generates. Those messages contain quite some 'unsollicited' ones, like IntuiTicks and Activation/Dectivation, the former one innundating your program with messages that all need to be handled.
In this part of your program:
add the following case:
and you have your machine gun arattling!
Alternatively add a 'default' case and print out all those unsollicited messages...
Oh, thx dind't know it.
And how can I "silence" unwanted WMHI_ messages?
EDIT: maybe by using ModifyIDCMP()?
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P
Your suggestion about using 'ModifyIDCMP()' will probably result in messages not reaching your usual (window's) messageport. This requires then installation of an IDCMPHook and ancillary IDCMPHookBits in order to intercept and handle them off. This was the very reason for me of starting this thread.
Admittedly I have not yet covered that ground, but I am investigating it and come to think about it, I may give it priority, as this affects virtually all my software in one sweep.
The silencing method I applied is more of a stop-gap kludge.
ok, will do some test here with ModifyIDCMP() and see what happens on my little GUIs
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P
Please tell about your experience later on, when you've gained some insight in the matter.