A curiosity about stacksize I came across (solved)

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OldFart's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 6 min ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 14:09
A curiosity about stacksize I came across (solved)


When I run my software in debugmode I get a.o. a calculation about the amount of stack allocated and the amount of stack used. It's actually beyond the scope of this thread to mention a typical use of 15 - 20%, hence a generous overkill of stack allocated.
What piked my curiosity however, is that with the latest version of the OS installed I now see a stack allocation of 122872 bytes, where the icon only states 32768 bytes and Workbench prefs states a stacksize of 60k. And no, there is no stackcookie in play either.
In previous OS-releases reported stacksize was allways around 64k IIRC.

Anyone around as to give me a clue?


cwenzel's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2021-01-12 07:05
Re: A curiosity about stacksize I came across

Check your DOS prefs tool.
There are a few ways to set the stacksize;
DOS prefs, Workbench prefs, a stack-cookie, CLI stack command, workbench icon.

OldFart's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 6 min ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 14:09
Re: A curiosity about stacksize I came across


It was indeed DOS-prefs that caused this with a value of 120k.



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