Hi, trying to "adjust" a simple OS4 gui (just for learning) and already builds with VBCC for OS4, but on OS3 VBCC I get some "implicit declaration of function ...".
And just for "easy" looking for replacements functions for OS3 I'm looking for a GUI/tool that lists all libs functions like sdkbrowser by BITbyBIT software.
There are a few on Aminet, if you search for Autodoc applications. Try for example the https://aminet.net/package/dev/misc/AutoDocReader_1v65
Tried a couple of such tools and MinAD just suits my needs (by now).
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P