Hey guys,
this is a little bit off topic, but not entirely. I am just interested to know the following:
Is there any way to get vscode to comprehend the nature of the APICALL macro used in the AmigaOS libraries, so that you don't get error squiggles on all of your sys-calls ?
Thanks for keeping up the good spirit.
If I am not totally wrong, it needs to create an extension that support AmigaOS SDK, where you have to have those macros and arguments defined. Or maybe, if you use a C, C++ intellisense extension, which is able to find those macros' definition files.
did you try https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools ???
I have tried that extension, and it still does the error squiggles. Maybe I have to create an extension myself, but I am not quite sure where to start. Thanks for the reply anyway.
I tried: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/5057
OpenGL blanker https://github.com/steen-lund/GLBlankers
Thanks, man. It warms my heart. :)