Do you use spotless?

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walkero's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 2009-05-03 16:54
Do you use spotless?

Do you guys use spotless for debugging? It seems like an awesome app but couldn't make it work with simple C apps I create.

I compile my apps on my AmigaOS and with -gstabs on GCC, but when I load them in spotless nothing is happening. No code appears and I can't set break points anywhere.

The included test binary though seems to work fine.

Any more info on how to use it? The only alternative we have is GDB?

Thanks for your help.

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
Re: Do you use spotless?

Spotless in the current form are just an initial skeleton with open code, which can be used and expanded by developers futher. At least that how Alfkil explain to me some time ago. I.e. that will be never updated by him. He was in hope that Jamie Kruger will make use of it, but we all know how things going with the AVD suit, so imagine what to expect :)

I.e. spotless it's not a debugger, just a skeleton code for making a debugger , and an example of how to use it for any developer willing to expand it.

For debugging on os4 you may better use DB101.

But for real, we have nothing good. You better in end-use IDA on PC, and upload amigaos4 binary there, and have very good disassembly listing. But it's not real-time debugging of course, so you can't see what happens with memory at particular step, and of course requere assembler understanding.

walkero's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 2009-05-03 16:54
Re: Do you use spotless?

Thanks Kas1e for your reply.
So I guess spotless will not replace db101, as it was the intention, right? And this is not mature enough yet. Hope to see new versions in the future.

I will try again db101 and see if this is more useful in the current situation. And I will read some more about gdb, because I guess this is the most mature debugging solution we have right now.

hypex's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2011-09-09 16:20
Re: Do you use spotless?

I ws also under impression that Spotless would replace DB101. That's unfortunate as an easy working solution would be nice. I don't think GDB would be the most mature, because it's broken. Some older version may work. But I won't expect the latest GDB to be working in the next SDK update.

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