Is there a proper way to detect if your application's dock icon is displayed?
I know that you could simply check if the AMIDOCK AREXX port exists (or if AmiDock is registered as a commodity), but I'm wondering if there's a better way directly through the application.library. IIRC, RegisterApplication() will return success even if AmiDock isn't running.
The application API mentions the displayable state in the dock but not how:
The closest I can find is GetApplicationAttrs() with a APPATTR_Hidden tag:
The next logical place would be in the docky.library. But after a glance I can see no functions querying for any icon state. Seems an obvious question since the doc mentions it but gives no direct answers! :-D
Hmmm. Will it reflect the actual display state? Or just mirror the application's use of the hidden flag?
Looks like some experimentation will be needed...
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