Hi, using IApplication->RegisterApplication(), the AppDocky shows always in the main AmiDock bar (#0).
Is there any tag so I can make such AppDocky shows in other AmiDock bar, I have/use 5 AmiDock bars:
0: main (AppDockies show here),
1: My main AmiDock bar,
2: Tools AmiDock bar
3: Net AmiDock bar,
4: Screentitle AmiDock bar.
I want to show (Mixer AppDocky) in Screentitle bar (#4). Can it be done?
I think, no.
You can't specify the dock from the program creating the AppDocky as far as I am aware, but the user can specify the dock which appdockies appear in in the prefs window (chooser near bottom in 'General' section)
Yep saw that option in AmiDock prefs, but I wanted to ·force" to go in the dock/bar user wants (or to "main" if fails or none set).
THX anyway.
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonHD6570/SSD120GB/DVDRW :-P