For a project I'm working on, I would like to know how to obtain a script's priority of execution. I went through struct DiskObject, but found nothing there, that even remotely triggered a hint of recognition.
Can anyone please enlighten me?
Think before you ask! Its stored in a ToolType: TOOLPRI=. Should have known, could have known and with handsight I DID know, but forgot I did so.
Hang on, that's for tools, not for scripts exactly, so your question remains unanswered. Check here:
Though, if it is set and C:IconX is used it should set priority of IconX. But, a shell will be running, from where the commmands are executed. So it's not so clear cut as the command shell may run the commands in a different priority. I don't know if a concept of running pri can be applied to a script this way. It's a good question.
There is ChangeTaskPri command to change the pri of a process from a script. Status can query the pri of running comnmand or process but the output must be parsed from a string.
The 'Problem' has been solved already, but thanks anyway for your informative answer!