Today we updated the website to a newer version of the CMS. Now it uses Drupal 7 against the older Drupal 6.
Many pages are still not updated, but are working just fine. They just need some love on the theming, something that we are working. So the next days you will see changes on the visual aspect.
Some accounts might have a few avatar images wrong. You better update your avatar and fix it.
In case you have a serious problems with using the new version of, please, mention below or contact us.
The updating of the webiste is still on going. Most of them are already done.
We would like to inform you about a new feature. Now we can rate a blog post in case it is helpful and good. Under the title at the right of the page you will see two hands, where you can rate if you liked it or not. Even the editor of the article can rate it, as anonymous users as well. Please, go back to the older bolg posts and rate the ones' you liked, and lets make the good articles become more valued. This way, we can filter the blog posts depending the value you give to them.
Also, there were more changes in the website:
Still todo:
We would like to hear your voice. Please, if you have an idea or would like something to change, feel free to propose it here.
"The website is more clear and better reading for everyone. I hope you agree with me on that."
You are right, the interface is very better.
Thank you for your work.
i like it! Well done :)
Thanks guys... Spread the word....
Request :
-is it possible to display the name of the last poster in the threads list ?
It could be useful to quickly see if a new message have been posted.
bug :
-is it normal that the title of each post is the beginning of the first sentence of the post ?
For example, in this post, the blue title above is "Request :"
Thank you
Thanks for your comments. Both changes are done. Now the comments will have the title of the topic. Also, the topic list at the front page has now the author of the topic and the author of the last comment.
Thank you to have implemented the Authors in thread list.
Just by curiosity, who are you, admins of OS4Coding ?
Which nicknames do you have in another Amigans forums ?
Admin = walkero = George Sokianos
os4coding is one man project. I do my best to make it even better, with the hope it helps our small developers community to grow.
"I do my best to make it even better"
And you do it well, Walkero !
Maybe that I missed it but how do you edit a post ?
I see the "Edit" tab for the first post of a thread but not an "edit" tab or button for following posts.
Enabled the edit to comments, but with a time limit of 30 minutes. After 30 minutes from the time you post a comment, the edit will be disabled.
Thank you
edit : it works !
Maybe you could change the "Book Shelve" label to "Book Shelf".
X1000 - OS 4.1FE
Thank you. The title changed.
One more change I did is that the topic list at the front page is now auto updated every 30 sec. so, if you let the first page open for a long time, ONLY the list is updated and NOT the whole page.
I am implementing the "Reporting system" for offensive content and a "User follow" system, where you can track the content a user uploads, any time.
I am open to ideas. If you have anything that you want to change or add to the website.
Little quirk: on main page () if you go a bit down you get at bottom-right a 'ToTop' button [ /\ ], but when main list refreshes such button dissapears.
And reply comment textarea (here on Odyssey) is only 6 rows height as default, maybe a a bit larger could be nice.
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P
Quoting something no-longer makes it very obvious that it is actually a quote:
It's indented, but that's it. It really needs some kind of colour difference too (e.g. for the background), or some other kind of marking (e.g. a coloured line to it's left).
Author of the PortablE programming language.
I love using Amiga OS4.1 on my X1000 & Sam440 :-D
There is one more thing which could be improved: in the first post of every thread the "flag as offensive" link is shown as if it was part of the article. In every following post it is placed next to the reply button. IMHO this would be a better place for the first post, too.
While doing something else while the OS4 Coding homepage was displayed in Odyssey I noticed a small box that pops up at random times with the text "Please wait" and disappears in a second. What is that all about??
X1000 - OS 4.1FE
I fixed the visual of the quoted texts.
@jabirulo & @xenic
Removed the auto refreshing of the first list.
will check it and see what I can do.