I have loaded and scaled an image
if (IGraphics->CompositeTags( COMPOSITE_Src, OrigBM, ScaleBM, COMPTAG_ScaleX, COMP_FLOAT_TO_FIX(ScaleFactorX), COMPTAG_ScaleY, COMP_FLOAT_TO_FIX(ScaleFactorY), TAG_DONE) != COMPERR_Success) { if (ScaleBM != NULL) IP96->p96FreeBitMap(ScaleBM); }
I would like to give it a "ghosted/disabled" look. I added
It looks ok on some images/colors, but terrible with white images.
Just like when you open Workbench window and do Show All and the C/Devs/S folders are ghosted.
Something simple that can be done on the fly quickly.
maybe this os4doding thread will be of some help.
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P