Fighting Spam phase 2

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admin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
Fighting Spam phase 2

I really need to apologize for the problems that the antispam code made to you all guys. There seems that it deleted posts and user accounts that it shouldn't. Today we disabled the code that did those deletions.

We also created a new user role, where all the active users were added. This, user role is in a whitelist, which the antispam code doesn't check again. You all have the same permissions as you did. But now the rest of the spam registrations will not have any permission to post any content. So there won't be any spam posts again.

We create a new code that will automatically whitelist the new registrations. It will check the completed amount of the profile data. When a new user complete over 60% of his profile data, then he will automatically get granted with more permissions.

We hope that this will help on fighting the spam registrations without further problems and without making the members life harder.

We thank you all about you help and support. We try to provide the best service and experience to all of you.

afxgroup's picture
Last seen: 9 months 22 hours ago
Joined: 2011-02-03 15:26
i think you cannot do more

i think you cannot do more against spam.. you should live with it. also platforms like wordpess has plugins against spam but they are however weak solutions.
So you can do more that you already did..

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