Debugger with single step?

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Evolnisi Ruoman
Evolnisi Ruoman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-12-05 08:02
Debugger with single step?


after a few years, I come back again to the Amiga dev. I have again some spare times :-)
I'm looking for a debugger which can execute asm code step by step.

I tried Debug 101, several GDB (Latest SDK, OS4Depot). None permit the single step.
GDB stop only at first breakpoint and no more at others.

Is there any GDB version or other debugger available for Amiga OS 4.1.
I still have the 'pre-release' version. The one I got when buying the X5000.

Back in time I used Devpac and it was great.

Thank you for your answers :-)

Kind regards

msteed's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2022-01-18 08:34
Re: Debugger with single step?

Welcome back! We need all the Amiga developers we can get.

As you've noticed, there aren't a lot of choices when it comes to OS 4.1 debuggers. One you didn't mention is Spotless. It's an improved version of DB101. It has an assembler step function, though the register display doesn't seem to update following the step. I only tried stepping through C code at the assembly level, and not with actual assembler code, if that's what you're looking to use.

It may or may not be something you can use, however. It's said to not work on the X5000 without an updated and not yet publicly available version of the OS 4.1 kernel. However, the comments on OS4Depot suggest that it might work with older versions of the OS, such as you have. It doesn't hurt to try.

Evolnisi Ruoman
Evolnisi Ruoman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-12-05 08:02
Re: Debugger with single step?


Thank you for the answer.

I already tried spotless, but it crash always when loading the executable..

I made some progress with DB101. But sometimes it crash without any reason.
Sometimes I have to load the executable 3-4 times before it's ok and don't crash.
Sometime it doesn't work at all. i'm puting a break at the very first instruction and it crash when I push start button.


hypex's picture
Last seen: 6 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-09-09 16:20
Re: Debugger with single step?

Looks like my experience with Spotless and the previous DB101. On X1000. For some reason it's always hit and miss with what I tested it with. And I tested simple things as well. Like a hello world example codes. When it did load sources were missing or stepping crashed out. It may be due to symbols missing. According to Alfkil I need to compile and link with gstabs. For a compiler one liner it should be. I think every version needs a hello world example source with binary and/or make file so it can be loaded and just work. Telling how to do it. I compiled with debug before but Spotless doesn't seem to like it.

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