On various forums I saw that a lot of people would like to have a cross compiling environment which they could use to build programs, such as Odyssey, sgit or Timberwolf. I am thinking to try to create a linux distribution for that, which everyone can use. I don't know how big this project is, but I will try. If this succeeds, then it will be available to download from os4coding.
So, I would like to ask you
- if anyone build such an environment and would like to help with tests and info.
- Do, you know any good guide for that?
- Do you have any other proposals?
- Which linux distribution would you like to use, Debian, Ubuntu etc?
- Should I use a 32bit or 64bit environment?
- Should it have gcc 4.x or gcc 5.x?
Found two guides, one by zero-hero and one by Nicolas Mendoza, which are old enough, but they are a good start.
Good initiative. I am very interested :)
I started to set one up on Windows but quickly ran into a problem: no CatComp for Windows.
If you have ruby installed under cygwin you can use my ruby based CatComp replacement:
My own tutorial in french:
Alain Thellier - Wazp3D
I created the very first version of a virtual machine with Debian 64bit and all the necessary files to cross compile programs for AmigaOS 4. I call it AmigaOS Cross Compiling Environment (AmiCCE) and you can download it from here (~2.7GB).
You can login with the username amicce with password amicce.
The above file is a VirtualBox machine, which you can import to an installed Virtualbox in your machine. To do that you run Virtualbox and go to the menu File > Import Appliance and you give this file at the popup window.
If you need more help, please tell me. Also, proposals would be greatly appreciated.
Well done Walkero,
quickly tested, compilation with geani works out of the box !
Is shared folder work for you ?
Thank you
Thank you for testing it. Geany is configured to compile the projects, but it might need more care here and there.
Didn't test the share folder, but as I have an AmigaOS 4 system on the same lan and AmiCCE has ssh installed, I managed to connect to it using pftp and openssh, and got the compiled files for a few tests.
Hope others test it too and propose things to add.
Surely on my todo list is an updated binutils and gcc for the x86_64bit. I will try to find some help from Kas1e... Hope he will find some time to help me on that!