Are you aware of this feature?

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Last seen: 2 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 2009-03-27 15:07
Are you aware of this feature?

I would like to be sure that you know that there is a feature at were you can add a source code and then spread it's URL anywhere you need.

You can do that using an option at the user menu at the right, called "Create content > Source code". There you will find a title and a text area to insert your code. Under this, you will find a select box where you can choose the programming language of this code, so that the formating and syntax highlighting will be accurate.

When you save your code you will get a specific URL, like "" which you can spread to forums or articles. Feel free to use it as many times as you want, but please do not include codes that are not yours or their license forbits it.

We would be glad to see you comments on this feature.