When I execute my program, a requester pops up and says that I've used version 2 application.library tags and that the program will crash. The warning appears if I use any of the following tags with the RegisterApplication function:
- REGAPP_UniqueApplication
- REGAPP_AppIconInfo
- REGAPP_Description
- REGAPP_URLIdentifier
I'm puzzled because according to the application library documentation those tags are valid. Are there any replacing tags?
I'm using SDK version 53.29 (10.8.2015) and application.library version 53.12 (2.5.10).
Are you requesting version 2 of the interface?
Version 1 had some tag numbering issues.
IApplication = (struct ApplicationIFace *) GetInterface(appBase, "application", 2L, NULL);
No, I'm linking with the libauto to open the application library and set up its interface pointer automatically.
Simply declare the library base and interface globals yourself and open/close application.library and get/drop interfaces manually.
You can use libauto for other libraries but the application.library auto-open code still gets the old version 1 interfaces which makes it unusable.
Got it working, thanks!