APIgnosis, a new autodoc viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS

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Last seen: 3 weeks 3 hours ago
Joined: 2009-05-03 16:54
APIgnosis, a new autodoc viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS

Hello guys,
I guess there are a lot of developers, in our community, that use cross compilers in other systems, to develop applications for AmigaOS.

I started developing a new AutoDoc viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS, that will help you read these files, in a better way. It is far from perfect right now, and I have a lot of ideas, to make it even better.

You can find information at https://bitbucket.org/walkero/apignosis/wiki/Home and download it from the releases link.

This is the first release and might have bugs. Be warned. :)

There is no way to lose any of your data. You will need to have the AutoDocs files somewhere in your hard disk. Using the top menu, you can select the folder where you have the AutoDoc files, and then a list of them will be shown. By clicking on a file, the Methods list will be updated at the bottom. Clicking on a method, all the information will be shown at the main content.

I need your feedback. Is it useful? Are you going to use it? If not, why?

Please, provide ideas, new features and bugs at https://bitbucket.org/walkero/apignosis/issues
The issues tracker doesn't require login to submit, but please, add your nickname there at the end of your message, so that I know who you are.

Have fun.

Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2018-05-02 00:24
Re: APIgnosis, a new autodoc viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS

Hi Walkero,

The concept of an AutoDoc viewer on other platforms is a good one.

I still plan to bring the SDK Browser over to Windows/Linux/MacOS myself.

In the mean time it is nice to have *any* option available on other platforms.

BTW, what language/framework are you writing this in?

Best Regards,

Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC

walkero's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 3 hours ago
Joined: 2009-05-03 16:54
Re: APIgnosis, a new autodoc viewer for Windows, Linux and MacOS

Hey Jamie,
Thank you for your kind words. APIgnosis is based on electron, so that the reason of the big file size. Actually it is developed using javascript (Node.js, Vue.js). I am developing my own parser, which is currently on early stage, where I try to overcome problems with a few not well written autodocs.

Electron gives me features on building it for all major operating systems easily, have self update process, and add more features easily from the Node.js community.

I am working on making it even better, with more features. I have a long list with better visualization, bookmarks, documentation downloading, search etc. I will need time though.

Did you try that on your machines? If yes, what is your opinion or needed features?

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