Well, now I'm dabbling a bit more with all those WINDOW_-tags, I came across this one again, which I've tried to put to use several times now without any luck.
I've applied the tag with a proper ti_Data-value, a Hook with a pointer to a proper function. That function does not do much more currently then print out some message on a console window when invoked. What ever I do, after changing some PREFS-file nothing is printed on the console.
What is a proper way to handle PREFS changes?
It's probably the window.class equivalent of IDCMP_NEWPREFS so you may have to set your window to wait for this class of IDCMP message as well using WA_IDCMP tag.
In any case judging from the RKRM documentation on IDCMP_NEWPREFS this method of notification was obsolete already in AmigaOS 2.0:
Thanks for the explanation. I'll leave it for what it currently is, i.e. not reacting to prefs changes.