BlitzMax Games

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Cobra's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-30 15:00
BlitzMax Games

Hi everyone,
My name is Cobra and I loved my Commodore 64 growing up and was mesmerised by the graphics of a neighbour's Amiga.

Anyway, earlier this year a goal of mine was realised by releasing Powerslam. The one and only pro wrestling game for Mac. Growing up as such a Commodore fan I am really interested in the possibility of a AmigaOS 4 port.

My guess is it is probably next to impossible to port a game coded in BlitzMax to AmigaOS if possible at all. But if I don't ask I'll never truly know and by the sounds of it this is the best place to ask about this.

kas1e's picture
Last seen: 6 months 6 days ago
Joined: 2010-11-30 15:30
My guess is it is probably

My guess is it is probably next to impossible to port a game coded in BlitzMax to AmigaOS if possible at all. But if I don't ask I'll never truly know and by the sounds of it this is the best place to ask about this.

If sources of BlitzMax and PowerSlam are available, then its possible in theory to port BlitzMax firstly, and then PowerSlam. The another way can be to port PowerSlam to something else which avail on os4 and which close by syntax. But its all possible only if sources are open (i don't found them) and if one will motivated enough to spend a lot of time on it.

Cobra's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-30 15:00
Thank you for the response

Thank you for the response kas1e. Porting Powerslam to a language that is supported under AmigaOS does sound like the way to go.

Powerslam isn't open source but if someone feels they can make an AmigaOS port a reality they will receive the code and be credited in the ending credits (for all versions) as the one behind the AmigaOS port and will be paid an agreed amount for their trouble.

From their I hope I can sell it though something like Project Metropolis.

hypex's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-09-09 16:20
Hi Cobra. Good to see your

Hi Cobra.

Good to see your release come alive and thanks for your interest in OS4 support.

The following looks interesting. A thread about Amiga support of Monkey, a language developed from the Blitz makers and Mark Sibly himself.

However, the Monkey site doesn't really explain what Monkey is and I cannot see anything about any Amiga support on the website so I am confused as to what the above people are excited about.

OTOH there is AmiBlitz which is a continuation of Blitz Basis on the Amiga platforms. A forum is here however I cannot find any clear info about it nor a specific OS4 version.

At least Google doesn't turn up much so maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. But nothing stands out on the Amiga downloading sites.

cha05e90's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-02-07 20:22
- AmiBlitz is 68k AmigaOS

- AmiBlitz is 68k AmigaOS only - so it supports officially up to OS3.9. Nevertheless the 68k binaries run (mostly) nicely on AmigaOS 4.1 (i.e. apps and tools like HD-Rec, SMBMounter...).

- Monkey: Here is a (only german) thread: about AmigaOS 3.x and AROS as targets - so no OS4.x yet. But maybe this might be a way for your game: A AmigaOS-4.1-target for Monkey and porting your game afterwards.


Cobra's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-30 15:00
Thank you so much for this

Thank you so much for this information hypex & cha05e90.
It looks like while not officially supported in Monkey there is a way to export AmigaOS 3.x apps with support for 4 in the works.

I have a friend who is good with Monkey and used to work with BlitzMax before that so he may be able to help me port the code. So thank you so much guys as this does help a LOT.

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