Hi just created a listbrowser with 3 columns (Month, Day, Text), but I'm not able to get Month and Day values with GetListBrowserNodeAttrs() I know is somethig with pointers/LBNCA_Integer (* int32), but did some test, but none of them showed Month/Day correctly :-(
Someone more clever than my can help?
.. case GID_LISTBROWSER: IIntuition->GetAttr(LISTBROWSER_SelectedNode, OBJ(GID_LISTBROWSER), (uint32 *)&res_node); if(res_node) { int32 month, day; IListBrowser->GetListBrowserNodeAttrs( (struct Node *)res_node, LBNA_Column,0, LBNCA_Integer,(int32 *)&month, LBNA_Column,1, LBNCA_Integer,(int 32*)&day, LBNA_Column,2, LBNCA_Text,&res_text, TAG_END); IDOS->Printf("GET listbrowser's entry data: MM=%ld DD=%ld '%s'\n",&month,&day,res_text); } break; ..
Change the code to this and it should print the right values:
The LBNCA_Integer tag gets and sets a pointer to the integer value, not the integer value itself which is why it has to be done like above.
THX a lot!!!!
AOS4.1/SAM460ex/PPC460EX-1155MHZ/2048MB/RadeonRX550/SSD240GB/DVDRW :-P