Are there any coding tools that you might like to add at the "Coding Tools" list, that might be usefull for others? Write here what you use and how much usefull it is. Then we could find some info for those tools and add them at the "Coding Tools" list.
Mon, 2010-12-06 23:37
Coding tools
Where is this "Coding Tools" list? :-(
P.S. It seems your scaling routine for avatar pictures is broken, because it's scaled my avatar's height to the max size, while totally ignoring the width. I guess someone assumed all pictures would be square...
Author of the PortablE programming language.
I love using Amiga OS4.1 on my X1000 & Sam440 :-D
The coding tools list is the one at the right. :D
Hey man. You ruined the avatars :D :D :D
I'm just kidding. I'm going to fix it... But that's true, it's totally broken.