AreaFill == OddEven

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alfkil's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-05-10 22:02
AreaFill == OddEven

Is there any way of changing the behavior of the AreaFill functions, so that instead of NOT drawing to overlapping areas ("odd even" fill), it actually draws to those areas as well ("winding" fill) ??

hypex's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2011-09-09 16:20
Any more clues abut this? I'm

Any more clues abut this? I'm not sure I understand you. From what I know about fills you need to draw a border to enclose it and fill within. Are your two areas overlapping?

You could fill in between as a work around for that I suppose.

alfkil's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-05-10 22:02
No, no more clues about this.

No, no more clues about this. I am guessing, that I have to do the "winding" fill manually, as you say somehow calculate the inbetween sections and fill them out.

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